
Friday, September 30, 2011

We've moved. FNALLY!

I've decided it's time to take a break from the unpacking and take a seat on our small deck and enjoy the sun for a moment while I write a couple of thoughts.

We started (emphasis on started here) the moving process to our temporary apt. on Monday. We were in a pretty good place with most of our things already down in our basement and garage and virtually all the packing done except for those things we needed to use till the last moment and then all the odd and end things that don't seem to fit in a box or have hidden themselves in the numerous random spots throughout the house.

Packing has been an adventure. We are living temporarily in a place (until we know what our next step is, more on that on another day) that is about 1000 sq ft smaller than our last place. We went from a 3 bed, 3 bath townhome with a 2 car garage to a 2 bed, 1 bath, no garage apt. Neither my husband or I wanted to spend money on storing our extra "stuff" especially since we've no idea where we are moving to next, so we set out to sell and give away as much as we could. We did pretty good, but I'd like to say that selling things on Craigslist takes a ton of patience. There are many people who say they are going to show up to buy/take something and then never appear and you never hear from them again. I had to work hard against getting extremely frustrated.

Even with all the things we sold and gave away as we started to load the rental truck, with a huge blessing of help from a wonderful friend, I realized, wow we should have gotten rid of a lot more. I am not a pack rat and I don't hold onto things, however it is hard to part with things that you see yourself using again in the very near future. I don't want to get rid of things only to turn around and find myself buying them again later.

Then the unloading of the truck started to happen and we realized just how far we had to walk to get to our apt. with our stuff. It was exhausting to say the least and took us hours longer to do than we had thought. Frankly, we would have still been unpacking the truck for most of Tuesday too if our friend hadn't sent over some help at about eight Monday night.

My husband and I had just about reached our breaking point. it's was about 8PM. We were beyond exhausted and hadn't eaten in hours. With it being dark, drizzling and knowing our kids were soon going to be back with us after a friend had generously watched them all day, we were overwhelmed with the fact that the truck was still half full with boxes and furniture. Todd (the hubby) stopped what he was doing and prayed for a moment for help, because we truly needed it. Fifteen seconds later (this is what he told me) our friend who was watching our kids and who's husband had helped us earlier in the day, called to tell us she had help coming over and she was going to watch the kids a while longer. What a huge sigh of relief and a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord, for He is always faithful. Before long we had an extra three strong arms to help us with the unloading of the truck. It gave both Todd and me another wave of energy and we were able to get the majority of the truck unloaded by about 10 Monday night.

It's continued to be an exhausting week with cleaning our old place out and digging ourselves out of the craziness of boxes at our new place. Today is the first day that we can actually kind of walk around our apt. Phew, that was needed. There is still a lot to do, but there is an end in site and after months of getting to this point it's wonderful to know that we get to rest soon, at least for a while before we start on our next adventure.


  1. Good morning! Just wanted to let you know that you've been tagged with the Liebster Blog Award... a special recognition for up-and-coming blogs with fewer than 200 followers. I don't know how many followers you have, but your blog has been a wonderful encouragement to me on my journey to find out what real food really is. Thanks for all the wonderful and uplifting posts Therese! You can check out my post here:

  2. I think this is lovely. I'm a fan of living simply and I don't think that people need that much stuff. I hope you will find much peace and happiness with your decision. Life's an adventure. Enjoy it.


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