
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fresh Aspargus Guacamole

Yes, I know, asparagus season is over for many of us, but I still had to share this recipe, because it's simply to darn good not to. We have been eating it up like crazy the last couple of weeks, whether it's been topped off on beans, added to scrambled eggs, on breakfast sandwiches (or any other sandwich for that matter), with chips, it's great. One of the things I like about this type of guacamole is you can store it in the fridge for a couple of days with no issues of it going bad like with avocados. Don't get me wrong, this house loves avocado, but it's nice to mix it up!

This is also a fun way to try to get the kids used to different flavors and possibly eat a food they wouldn't normally. My daughter was eating it by the spoonfuls when we made it the first time!  The more variety we can encourage our children to eat, the less picky they'll be as they get older, plus you're helping develop their ability to enjoy good food that is healthy for them.

Our favorite breakfast. This sandwich included fresh baked sourdough bread, ricotta cheese, purple cabbage sauerkraut, asparagus guacamole, hot sauce and an egg. Extra bonus, everything but the hot sauce is homemade.

What You'll Need
serving: 3+ cups 

1 lb. fresh asparagus
1/2 cup diced white onion
1/2 cup mayonnaise (sour cream or yogurt work too)
1/3 cup chopped, well-packed, fresh cilantro
1 garlic clove, diced finely or 2 fresh garlic
Juice of 1 lime
Unrefined sea salt to taste
Fresh ground black pepper
Optional: 1 large fresh tomato, chopped

Getting Started
1. Steam your asparagus in a large pot in a steaming basket. Alternatively you can coat the asparagus in some olive oil, then spread in a single layer in a pan or casserole dish and roast in a 400° F oven for about 25 minutes or until tender, but still crisp.  Allow asparagus to completely cool and even be chilled if you want a cold guacamole.

2. Chop cooked asparagus into large piece and place in a food processor with the metal blade. Add onions too, then puree until smooth.

3. Add mayonnaise, cilantro, garlic and lime juice to asparagus mixture, then blend together.

4. Put guacamole in a large bowl, stir in salt and pepper to taste, then fold in tomato if you are choosing to use it. Serve immediately with just about anything your heart desires. Go for the normal and serve it up with chips or one of my favorite ways to enjoy it is on a breakfast sandwich in the morning. Oh so very, very good!


  1. Looks great!!! Hey, can you email me the links to your sourdough posts? I think I am ready to try making some sourdough bread! LOL, I am getting more and more comfortable and love it.

  2. What a unique recipe! My mom loves asparagus, and guacamole, so I can't wait to try this for her when she comes into town! Thank you for sharing with me. I hope you have a wonderful week, full of love, good food, and laughter. Hugs from Austin!

  3. Thanks Marillyn and I'll email the sourdough recipe later today!

    Monet, thank you so much. I hope your mom enjoys the recipe as much as we have!

  4. What a delicious spread! My whole family loves asparagus, so this will definitely be something I want to try.


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